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GMC Maritime AS

Mekjarvik 5, Randaberg

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)



Nyhavnsveien 11, Buøy/Hundvåg

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)



Tangen 16, Dusavik

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)


GMC Power & Automation AS

Nyhavnsveien 11, Buøy/Hundvåg

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)


GMC Marine
Partner AS

Besøksadresse basetjenester og operasjoner:
Mekjarvik 13, Randaberg

Besøksadresse Products:
Hinna Base/Jåttåbasen, Jåttåflaten 11, Stavanger

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)



Mekjarvik 5, Randaberg

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)


GMC Eiendom AS

Byfjordparken 15

+47 51 84 80 00 (24/7)


  1. GMC
  2. News
  3. Increased presence at Gismarvik Base
tre ledere i GMC gruppen foran kaien

From left: Bengt Olav Gåsøy, CEO in GMC Marine Partner, Torgeir Strøm, Operations Manager at Gismarvik Base and Thomas A. Vang, Group CEO in GMC. 


Increased presence at Gismarvik Base

The Stavanger group GMC is now strengthening its investment at Gismarvik Base in Haugaland Næringspark. The base will be important in making the industry more sustainable.

Maritim Rapport 2023, Haugalandet og Sunnhordaland

Read the article here.

– GMC Group aims to grow, within new and greener areas as well. Haugalandet is an exciting region within sustainable development, and it´s important for us to be located in this region, says Thomas A. Vang, CEO in GMC. 

Vang started as CEO in September 2022. 

– The optimism in the industry gives us opportunity to grow, increasing our presence at Gismarvik Base is an important part of this venture, says Vang. 

grafisk fremstilling av kart over næringsparken

Illustration Haugaland Næringspark. Photo by: Haugaland Næringspark.

Pit stop for maritime services

Gismarvik Base consists of harbour facilities and a deep-water quay. The base is a hub for logistics at sea, and on E39 and E134.

– The region around Gismarvik offers great networks and a very high degree of expertise. We use skilled local suppliers within various professions. This makes Gismarvik Base a pit stop for maritime services, a green hub for the industry, says Bengt Olav Gåsøy, CEO at GMC Marine Partner.

GMC operates and facilitates the port. The base consists of large workshops, large outdoor and indoor storage areas, office buildings, and cloakroom facilities, as well as machines and equipment for efficient logistics. The large areas are used for both short and long-term leases.

– GMC offers a wide range of services within ship services, base logistics and marine operations. From electrical and automation, ship repair, base logistics and storage, to rental of heavy maritime equipment for industries that operate offshore. In Stavanger, our main base is in Mekjarvik, but we have assignments both onshore and offshore. For our customers, old and new, we can now offer a valuable package. We are looking forward to continue a strong presence in Haugaland Næringspark, says Vang.

Read more about GMC base services.

dame på kaien med havet i bakgrunnen
Tiril Fjeld, CEO in Haugaland Næringspark.

Important role for the region

– Haugaland Næringspark is Norway´s largest pre-regulated business area. It´s located in the centre of significant industrial activity. Our main ambition is to attract green industry and companies in need of large spaces and energy. We are now ready for several exciting projects, and look forward to collaborate with GMC further, says Tiril Fjeld, CEO in Haugaland Næringspark.

The large areas in Gismarvik Base proved to be highly beneficial for the American technology company, Makani. Makani tested a flying kite that produces electricity at sea. Since, several land-intensive projects have followed within renewable energy.

tre ledere i GMC gruppen foran kaien
Torgeir Strøm is Operational Manager at Gismarvik Base.

Key person in place

Torgeir Strøm started as Operational Manager at Gismarvik Base in December 2022. Strøm will be a key person in operating the port. GMC will be a link between the different companies in the park and facilitate activities on the base. 

– I look forward to working with exciting projects and the various companies here in Gismarvik, says Strøm. 

– Haugaland Næringspark has great potential, and we will make Gismarvik Base a preferred choice for sustainable projects, says Gåsøy.

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GMC at Nor-Shipping 2023

A global gathering for maritime industry players. From June 6th to 9th, you can visit our booth in Oslo.